well, Hello there, It's been a few..
well, I'm here to tell you all about Piebomb, and My very first remix!
first, let's talk about Piebomb. it's an awesome Group/team I've Created with MrPiesplosion.
we'll be making animations and cartoons (maybe even comics) for the entertainment of EVERYONE!!!
MrPie will do the animation, and I will do the voices. We're still looking for other people who can help!
that's it for Piebomb. next on my list is that remix I made
It's a remix of this song: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/594523
it's pretty cool, But HEY! I REMIXED IT!!
check out my version of it here:
Leave a Review, PLEASE?
I don't know about how it have ony 8playsbut it has 200 download. And, I'll delete this song if it can be problem. please tell me about this song. And, I don't know English well so I can't understam\nd your comment well. sorry....
What do you mean?